When I design Newsletters, I typically do research about the organization I'm designing for.
Is the organization trendy? Modern? Retro? What style of brand do they appear to be?
This will help me decide what elements to incorporate in the newsletter. However, before I use InDesign I like to sketch it out on paper or create a newsletter mood board to spark inspiration. This will help give me ideas and allow wiggle room once I start up InDesign. The sketch and mood board is similar to a rough draft.
Always do research about the targeted audience. Are they young? Old? Female? Male? What interests do they may have? What motivates them?
After creating the sketch, mood board, and realizing who the targeted audience is, it's time to open InDesign and begin the process of designing the newsletter layout.
Make sure to choose the colors implemented in the design wisely. Little do people know but colors, typography, and the placement of elements have a larger meaning to them.
For example, blue represents loyalty, trust, and professionalism and purple can represent royalty, power, and trust.
When choosing images be sure to analyze the quality and the power of it. By power I mean, does the image pull emotion or question when viewing it? If not, move on and find another that does. You want the images to attract readers/viewers.
Here is an example of a newsletter I created for the Pittsburgh Steelers based on the news articles from their newsroom.
(click on the image to view closer)